Saturday, March 6, 2010


So I had a few things listed for my weekend To Do List.
1. Start...and finish FSCS midterm
2. Start reading...and finish reading West Side Story
3. Practice song for Sunday

The only thing that got done this weekend was sleep. I had gotten almost 9 hours of sleep combined Wednesday and Thursday when Friday rolled around I was pooped. Didn't get a chance to uh go to the Institute Dance that I helped plan because I fell asleep at 7:45pm. I then woke up 1:00am, ate a grapefruit, went back to bed, and woke up at 9am. It was GLORIOUS. Jam packed day of errand running, group meetings, and birthday parties then proceeded. Now...I have to do homework on Sunday, which isn't good, but it was kind of worth it. I haven't slept that well in FOREVS.


  1. Apparently you were negligent in your training while I was around. I am a proficient sleeper, if you recall. Something like "Okay, you have to go home now so I can go to bed."

  2. I feel great about you sleeping.
