Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I May Not Be A Mommy Blogger....

Oh the joys of parenthood! The babies, the tears, the laughter, the diapers, the spit ups, yadda yadda! I've nannied enough to have a love/hate relationship with all of those. I'm an aunt and adore my niece, but had a little practice before she was born to be an aunt of my best friend's kids! So my blog isn't about how I balance home, laundry, kids, soccer, my husband, his job, dance lessons, piano, my husband's promotions, a terrible ordeal we've been through, or our sweet family vacations. But even as a styling single Mormon, my blog can be entertaining with the travails of life.

A dog pooped in my shoe. Like literally inside my shoe (see below). This poor, 12 year old pup is dying of cancer and at first you might think, "She's losing control of her bowels," but as was pointed out...."That takes control." Alas, I did not keep the shoes and will buy more flats. Besides...I got them from DI and they were from my mission. #itwastimetoletgo

I might have been offered $100 to stick my foot in it, but I was already dry heaving with just the thought of picking them up to throw them away.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gathering of Israel!

Just last night I had the missionaries in my home with some friends! I love hearing them teach about the restored gospel and how, through it, we can find greater strength, hope, and peace! It was great to see a young woman recognize God's place in her life and although she's had many trials, He has never abandoned her! God lives and I know His Son Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world!

--Don't worry, I got their permission before I posted this! God is GOOD!

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Desire to Share & to Blog!

Many months have passed since I last posted on my blog. To be honest, I was ready to give it up because of fear and not wanting to be out in the open for some. But those who live in fear, don't achieve much! I don't just want to share memories and experiences of my mission, I want to share the gospel and so a new standard I want to live by, "Would the prophet 'like' my post?"

What an incredible 18 months it has been to be thrust into the real world after the simple, dedicated life of a missionary. Something Sheri Dew said in Women's Conference just last weekend was, "It is much easier to be a disciple of Christ...than not to be." When I heard that I thought of struggles to defend my faith, live it, convert in it, sacrifice for it, share it, and wondered what she meant by "easier". Then this comparison came to my mind.... being a missionary can be hard, YES, but it's so much easier to live with rules, structure, and study than to work, pay bills, wonder, search, study, struggle, fail, repent, try again, and feel like you're still doing God's will. When I thought of different struggles I've had, I saw the fun, laughter, joy, and immense blessings I've had that are far more than the struggle! What Sheri Dew said is TRUE! I wouldn't trade any of it because I'd be lost otherwise!Knowing that....I want to be a better disciple of Christ. It's easier than not being one!

So here I am! I'm back to share, explore, search, ponder, and blog!

Here are a few things that have inspired me to get back into this, and I couldn't feel more blessed! Women's Conference was an intimate meeting of 15,000 women gathered together to be strengthened! I went with a #cherishedfriend and she is a joy to share and talk about the gospel with! We went to #sodalicious in Provo and their missionary donation box literally #warmedmyheart! I was able to participate in the Nauvoo Pageant last summer, and that experience changed my life and really made me feel like a pioneer! Let us answer the call of the Prophet and share the gospel, "till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” (#standardoftruth) I want to flood the earth with my testimony that I know God lives and answers prayers!

If you know me (or don't!) and want to know how I ended up becoming a Latter-day Saint, I'd be happy to tell you!