Sunday, May 1, 2016

The New Norm For This Morm

Living in Utah as a Young Single Adult (YSA) has its challenges. Culturally, Mormons have gotten married in their early twenties and pop out a few angels well before 27 (my current age) and complain about needing grandchildren before 50 (not my current age). I usually can't go to an event, such as a wedding or a work function without being asked, "So are you dating anyone?" I have gone through ups and downs emotionally wondering what was wrong with me since I always answered, "No," or "Actually we just broke up." MULTIPLE times in the last few weeks this specific conversation has come up and I have come to realize...I am pretty dang normal! There are a LOT of beautiful women my age and older that are not married. We are all in the same boat, trying to figure out life and some seem to handle it better than others, but overall...I'm generally happy! I am living well, I have a job, I travel often, I have an AMAZING family that's growing, I have a superb support system of friends, and I am doing what I can to put one foot in front of the other! The reality is....YSA women are different. I am different, and that is ok. I don't NEED a man to be happy. I certainly want one, but my happiness isn't going to depend upon him. There is a new norm. We aren't getting married at 19...some of us are getting life experience to assist us as wives and mothers in Zion! I want to live in the NOW! It's not easy...I long for the day when I have someone to go home lay next to and kiss goodnight before I snuggle with my own pillows and fall asleep on my side with my space.

In the mean time, I will enjoy my space and my pillows, and my ability to do whatever I want and when I want. There is a time and a season for all things.