Thursday, June 5, 2014


I work at a hearing aid clinic. Is it the most fulfilling job? No, but days like today give me the opportunity to be SO GRATEFUL to interact with some people!

A man came in today asking about hearing aids for his wife. I started to tell him about our company, the audiologist, and different technology. Then our audiologist came out and asked about his hearing, not knowing he was asking for his wife, and he started to cry. He told us that he just came to take care of her since he was given 6 months to live due to liver cancer. He had been cancer free for over two years after a transplant, but just yesterday he found out it came back.

I wanted to cry. I could see the heartache, the devotion, the love, the humility, and the strength this man had, and I loved him for it. I wanted to stop talking about hearing aids and tell him that I would pray for him and for his wife. I wanted to tell him that Heavenly Father has a plan and while his body may be feable now, it WILL be resurrected and PERFECT one day! And that all the sadness he feels and his wife is going to feel, will be made up! Not sure what the most professional thing to do was....we finshed up our conversation about hearing aids and he left.

The Spirit tugged at my heart, "Go tell him all those things!" He was in his car, the reverse lights on. In a flash, I thought about "The Power of Everyday Missionaries" and about President Thomas S. Monson forever regretting not getting to that man in the hospital before he died. I ran! He rolled down his window and I said, "I don't know what you believe, but you and your wife will be in my prayers! I'm not completely sure how, but I know it will be okay!" He and I both cried. He said, "Thank you. We are LDS, and I know those things, but they are very hard to chew and swallow. The doctors said a maximum of 6 months, but it could be 2 or 3." He eyes had tears waiting to fall as he spoke and his lip quivered as he opened up to me. I responded, "I know I'm a stranger, but I am so sorry for this experience you're having. Like I said, I don't know exactly how, but it will work out and your wife will be taken care of. Thank you for sharing and thank you for touching my heart today! You've really impacted my day!" He wiped away his tears, smiled, and said, "Thank you. It will be okay. It will be good." And he drove away.

I can't explain the tender mercy that was or how my heart swelled with joy! I truly believe that the Lord is mindful of this man, and with the burden of cancer and fear.....BLESSINGS await in the eternities. God DOES live! Jesus Christ is His son, and through Him we can have happiness in times of trial, adventures admists of affliction, and triumphs over problems.



  1. I'm sad to know he has passed on but I love how you touched his heart while he was still here. ❤️❤️
