Sunday, February 6, 2011

Things I Wanna Do Pre-Mish

This list could probably keep growing. And hopefully I'll revisit it as I check them off.

1. Go to Country Thunder
2. Win the 7:10 pay off question on KIIM
3. See at least 10 movies in the theatre
4. Perform in a play
5. Swim in Old Main
6. Run another 5K
7. Finish my HS scrapbooks
8. Go to Disney Land
9. Get a digital Camera
10. Write out an outline of the screenplay I want to write


  1. I can totally help you with at least 2-3 of these things. I'm constantly in a theatre(er) and I write screenplays in mah sleep. And I guess I can push you into the fountain.

  2. Oh, is that what you meant by number 5? I forgot about the fountain and I was like, "there's a pool in that building? I swear I've never even heard whisperings of that..." Good luck on that one, even though I don't think you could actually swim in the fountain.
