Sunday, January 2, 2011

Resolutions. Come on. Everybody's doing it.

In all reality I'm waiting for muh Megavideo (darn you 72 minute limit). I thought I'd be productive with my time, but after looking to my right to see the mess that has resulted from "unpacking" I decided to blog.

Highlights of 2K10:
*Turning 1 in Morm Years

*San Diego with Heidi. Temple: AMAZING, Mormon Battalion: AMAZING.

*Running a 5K!!!

*MANY a weddings I attended. Definitely beautiful.

*I gave a class presentation on The Divine Miss M. And it was completely relevant. I dressed like her too.

*Melissa cut my hair into a mullet.

*Summertime spent watching my shows. That may sound lame, but very rarely do I just get "me" time. I loved that I got to work a little, cook a little, socialize a little, and just hang out for days at a time just watching what I wanted. And I loved the house I was in. It felt like home.

*Duncan and Bowen turned 1! I
love the Romriells, I really really do. I'd be lost without their mom and between Gavyn, Keragyn, B&D....I've got a whole set of niece and nephews.

*I gave away a Book of Mormon to exactly the right person at exactly the right time.

*I was the Prez of LDSSA at the 'Tute and realized Sis. Rasmussen and I are kindred spirits.

*I went to General Conference and had a conversation with a missionary's mom over pizza, salad, and ginger ale. One of the best conversations of my life.

*Late night conversations with my flat-mate. God send.

*A weekend in Vermont/Boston. Sisters, love, promptings, missionary chat. Phenom.

*Talking with Kenz outside her house, in her mini for over an hour.

Resolutions 2K11:
*Turn in Mission Papers

*Go on said mission

*Run Ragnar and push myself to a triathlon

*Meet Bette Midler, Queen Latifah, Mariska Hargitay, Melissa McCarthy, Reba McEntire, and/or Melissa Peterman.

.....that last one pretty much makes the list every year, but with a name or two added on.


  1. I've never even heard of half of those people that you want meet. But that doesn't mean it isn't a good goal. In fact, it will probably be more attainable as a result.

    I just created my profile. I wonder if they'll approve it.

  2. I know who 4 of those people are! :)

    OMGoodness I am LOVING that BofM cover!!!
