Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Birthday Wish List

T'was my birthday yesterday, and while I would have loved to have made a fabulous post...the stomach flu put me in a sh*&6% mood, and I was in no state to think happy thoughts.


Old french music playing at sunrise with fresh bread baking in the oven.
Rain, windows open, and chocolate covered strawberries in bed.
A New York City rooftop dinner in the candle light.
The saxophone playing in the Subway late at night.
Costumes to go to the movies...just for fun.
A red sequin dress from the 80s to wear to dinner.
A stare to start hysterical laughter.
A day at Disneyland...or 3.
Dancing in the living room then going for a picnic dinner.
Holding hands on holy ground.
A game of badminton in gladiator sweat bands.
Watching my favorite shows with cheese, grapes, and veggies.
Juicy steak with cous cous, and topping it off with a DQ dipped cone.
Seeing a musical that makes my heart pound and my stomach flutter with butterflies.
A completely unexpected gift.
Django Reinhardt music playing at a farmers market in France.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know it was your birthday... Happy Birthday! All of those things sound pretty nice, I hope you at least had some happy times in between the puking going on...
