Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Friggin' New Year

Whilst merely an entertaining title, there is some meaning behind it. A few things have happened in the last three weeks that have been somewhat of a challenge, and it occurred to me that it has all been the start of 2010. I'm not much of a believer that how your new year starts sets off the rest because otherwise '10 would SUCK.

It all began the week before break. I moved out of my place up north to share a room closer to campus. I would save money and time and be closer to Church, which is always a good thing. The process getting there was a tad awkward (such as 3 mugs I put in the kitchen ended up on my desk the next day) I worked through it. I figured it would get better as time went on. Not so much the case. I moved my bed in on December 19, and was asked where I would be staying until the new year started. It did not occur to me before that that once my bed was in...I couldn't sleep in it due to the fact that I did not pay rent in December, nor had I that intention. Whatevs.

I came back in town January 5th and low and behold I had an abscess tooth. Turns out...on a tooth I ALREADY had a root canal on more than 5 years ago. So on January 7th I had minor surgery in my mouth in order for them (by that I mean Dr. Jones...or Brown or something like that...don't remember) to clean out the bone and tissue. Super. I used more vicodin after that surgery than I did my knees. I couldn't drive once taking my medication so while my face swelling went down I hung out at Lydia's for two days in my footie PJs. :) But $1100 well spent... GAH!

The days went by and I was still sleeping at friend's houses since I felt awkward at "my" house. The night before school started I slept at the house and waited for my roommate to come home so we could talk and just assess the weirdness. I was up until 2 and she hadn't come home, but the next day was the first day and I had class at 8 so I went to bed. At about 7am I woke up to my phone going off with a text message and saw my roommate standing by her desk. I opened the phone and saw it was from said roommate telling me to move out by next month. I looked at her and said, "Did you really just text me to move out...? We're in the same room." Argument ensued, she refused to talk to me, and thus I am living with Lydia, Kyli, and Lani until a friend gets married in March and I take her place at another apartment.

So it was a rough couple of weeks, but a lot of good things have happened. The dentist I went to is actually LDS and gives discounts to outgoing missionaries for fillings and x-rays. I get to spend my T/TH mornings with babies! (Nothing to do with my story, but it makes me happy!) I am now living with wonderful girls that I adore getting to know better. I get to move in with an awesome group of Morms in March, I have institute everyday, and on the first day of school I was hired by the Music and Dance Academy of Tucson to teach voice. A little intimidating, but it pays well!

For now, here's a picture of Bowen and I in footie PJs :D, and I'll post the picture I have of my stitches once I get all my camera stuff in the same place. Until next time. Goodnight. :D


  1. Is that it?

    Snort...just kidding.

    I'm laughing about your room-mate. It sounds like a crazy person. Haha...I just accidentally called her "it".

  2. I normally wouldn't comment so as to remain an anonymous blurker but this story has really... piqued my interest.

    I know you aren't living with her but I had a VERY similar roommate and I am intrigued that there would be a duplicate of such a weird person in this world...
