Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Won First Place!

Alas, two finals down and a billion to go. On Monday I thought I could finish this painting project after FHE and leave school around midnight. Well...I ended up being there until 6:15am Tuesday morning. I have to was worth it. For the final they had our paintings judged by a panel from the theatre dept, and whoever won got an automatic A in the class, and then 2nd and 3rd place got 3 extra credit points. My goal was to be in the top 3...I was pretty sure I had an A, but it was riding really at a 90% maybe an 89%. And I'm a firm believer that if I'm getting a B...I'm getting a B...that to me is an 80%, not an 89%. But I won first PLACE!!!! Love it.


  1. Congratulations! You deserve it, that is by far the best painting that you've done. Kudos.

    Not that I didn't like the other ones, I just didn't get the putty putty putty thing. Yay paint!

    P.S. Florida is a sweaty person's worst nightmare.

  2. That painting is awesome! When I get rich and famous I'm going to hire you to do a mural for my house... just giving you some warning...

  3. Perfect....I see trees. How cool would that be. Like two painted trees on either side of a room with random fall leaves falling around the wall. I see dark brown comfy chairs in there too with a book shelf...naturally filled with DVDs... :D
