Monday, April 13, 2009

Switching Sides on the Picket Line

So, if you don't know yet, I'm Mormon. Take a breath, sit down, and chew on it. It's delicious. Now..let me lay out this last Saturday for y'all. It was the Easter Pageant at the Mesa Temple, and a bunch of friends from my ward were going early for a pool party. So this day was jam-packed with fun, food, and Morms! After working through a food-induced coma we are heading to the Temple and I see a booth saying "Free Hinkley DVD!" and at that point I'm super excited and say, "Okay...I'm getting all the free stuff I can! And that DVD is mine!" Well we walk up to them, but then realize that we have to fill out a form and listen to a schpeal...yadda yadda, so we were gonna get it later. As our group is walking towards the temple, and a guy is handing out a pamphlet. Naturally, I grab one with sheer enthusiasms and a huge smile on my face. Then....I look around at muh group, and they are not taking one, nor do they look joyed that I have one. In fact...they're looking at me strange. Then Lydia leans to me and says, "Ummm Sasha, that's anti-Mormon." I was caught off-guard, didn't know what to do, so I threw it madly to the ground and in a high pitch screamed, "WHAT?!" 

Now, am I proud of that reaction? Not per-say. The gentlemen did walk over and pick it up, and while I wanted to mangle the paper and spit on it... I didn't. We walked in to the pageant and I was like a Missionary magnet. Every time we turned around there they were asking me about my conversion story. 

But it was interesting to be on the other side. To be the one offended by protestors rather than being one. Not that I opposed the Church before...let's be real, I didn't know what it was. But I definitely participated in events that needed support from non-Christian members. Regardless, I'm grateful for both events, and am happy to be a part of the Truth. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


  1. Look at me, first one to comment.

    Welcome to Morm-dom. Although this is kind of old news.

  2. Girl... please... and you said you didn't know how to blog or what you were doing. really? Because you definitely look like you are on the right track to me! Keep up the good work and I love how your blog has Mormon pride written all over it!
