Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dear Bookmans

Oh how I appreciate thee and thy free internet. Oh it has been a rocky month without internet. As good as it has been for me not to get distracted at home, it's also frustrating when I'm running to Bookmans at 12:39am to submit a paper to a professor for class the next day. And I've got me some shows to catch up on from the summer, and some new ones coming out!!! It's getting pretty serious around here.

On a better note, I am loving (well most of) my classes! My favorites are Rituals and Performance in Theatre Arts and Advanced Dramaturgy and Adaptations (which is basically play writing). Already we've done observations of people in everyday life and done character analysis on them and we've written an adaptation to a chapter in Bram Stoker's Dracula.

School hasn't gotten too crazy yet, but it's starting to sink in that my free time needs to be chosen wisely. I got wrapped up in a painting I was doing the other night and then going to a dollar movie that I got a lil' behind in reading that is apparently essential for my eternal salvation. J/K

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a rough life. It's stressful to be behind on your shows! On an encouraging note, I miss our late night chats and just generally being your roommate! Don't have too much fun without me (seriously, if you do I'll have to come down and punch you in the face... just sayin').
